Ampex AG-440 and MM audio card variations - Analog to digital tape transfers
Transfer/convert multititrack reel to reel tapes to wave files for importing into Pro Tools or other DAWs.
tape,transfer,track,reel,2,3,4,8,12,16,24,multitrack,sony,studer,ampex,3m,tascam,otari,mci,scully,pro tools,protools,wave,wav,digitize,sample rate,96,48,44.1,88.2,convert
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Compiled from these manuals:
AG-440/445 Issued Jan 1967
AG-440B/445B Issued Feb 1969, changed Aug 1971
AG-440C Issued Apr 1975, changed Mar 1981
AG-440C-8 Issued June 1974
MM-1000 Issued Sept 1969
MM-1100 Issued Jan 1974
MM-1200 Issued Oct 1977, changed Jan 1981

Record/reproduce card revision numbers

Model Variety Bias Record Reproduce
AG-440 All -01 -01 -01
AG-440B 1/4″ -05 -01 -03
1/2″ -05 -01 -05
Maybe 1” * -04 -01 -07
** -03 -03
AG-440C 1/4″ -09*** -03 -12
1/2″ -08 -03 -12
1” -05 -03 -12
MM-1000 All -04, -05 -01 -04
MM-1100 All -05 -01 -14****, -15
MM-1200 7.5-15ips -08 -04 -12
15/30ips -08 -04 -15


* Manual lists an electronics assembly comprising these cards, but doesn’t associate it to a variety

** Manual mentions these revisions without associating them to a variety or electronics assembly

*** This is per the manual, but -08 cards are more commonly found

**** Found in an early example of this machine, but not documented


Record EQ plug-in PWA, common to all machines where applicable


Revision Speed pair Standard Comments
-01 7.5/15ips NAB/NAB
-02 3.75/7.5ips NAB/NAB
-03 7.5/15ips CCIR/CCIR
CCIR is now known as IEC
-04 3.75/7.5ips CCIR/CCIR
-05 ? ?
May not exist – no references in the manuals
-06 15/30ips CCIR/AES
-07 15/30ips NAB/AES
-08 15/30ips NAB/AES
For MM-1200, but appears identical to -07


Reproduce EQ plug-in PWA, common to all machines whereapplicable


Revision Speed range Standard Comments
-01 3.75-15ips NAB or CCIR
Accommodates either
-02 7.5-30ips NAB or CCIR
Accommodates either
-03 ? ?
Found in an early MM-1100 but not documented.
