Mounting the rolling guides - Analog to digital tape transfers
Transfer/convert multititrack reel to reel tapes to wave files for importing into Pro Tools or other DAWs.
tape,transfer,track,reel,2,3,4,8,12,16,24,multitrack,sony,studer,ampex,3m,tascam,otari,mci,scully,pro tools,protools,wave,wav,digitize,sample rate,96,48,44.1,88.2,convert
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Mounting the new rolling guides couldn’t be simpler. It is literally a 10 minute job, as the pictures below show*.

The headblock with OEM guides, showing the new rolling guides standing in front.

The underside of the rolling guide compared to the OEM guide. Note the offset hole that puts the roller axis forward of the old guide, thus preserving the head wrap angle.

Mounting the rolling guides.

The headblock fitted with rolling guides, showing the old OEM guides standing in front.

Another view of the headblock with rolling guides.
Don’t forget to check out our rolling tension arm too! Click here
* For peace of mind, before extensive use with the new guides we recommend having an alignment check carried out by a reputable company such as JRF Magnetics.